Deal or No Deal? - CPH mobilisation newspaper PDF Print E-mail
| Tuesday, 14 April 2009

DealOrNoDeal.gifThe Copenhagen UN climate talks

12 years ago the UN held a conference in Germany to work out what to do about climate change (COP 1), and an agreement was made. It was called the Kyoto Protocol. 15 years later, Copenhagen is hosting the meeting (COP 15), and the Kyoto Protocol is up for renegotiation.  184 nation state governments signed up to the Kyoto Protocol in 1997. It is said to be the only vehicle for an international agreement which can tackle climate change.

No pressure then.

This newspaper is about the 15th UN Conference Of Parties. What the climate talks will be like if the process continues the way it has, stagnated into tit-for-tat bargaining with power structures set in stone.  And what not only the meeting, but the future of everything - the planet, and us - could be like instead.


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