Anyone who still thinks that creating a carbon casino can solve our
climate crisis owes it to themselves to read this book. The most
convincing and concise challenge to the green profiteers yet.
- Naomi Klein, author, the Shock Doctrine
"This book is an invaluable contribution to understanding the pitfalls of relying on the carbon markets to save the world's poor and the planet"
- Meena Raman, Third World Network
“The transition to a post-oil model is inevitable but instead of starting this process, it is delayed by barriers and traps such as the carbon market. This book teaches us how this barrier works and what there is behind this new trap of green capitalism. It is obligatory reading for all who fight for a post-oil civilization.”
- Ivonne Yanez, Oilwatch South America
"A clear and enlightening explanation of a problem that vested interests want to make incomprehensible. Great job."
- Ana Filipini, coordinator of the Latin American Network Against Monoculture Tree Plantations
"Carbon trading is a scandalous story of economic dogma, government-business collusion, windfall profits, and promotion of emissions-intensive growth, compounded by speculative sub-prime trading and creation of divisions within vulnerable communities. This incisive analysis demolishes many myths and argues for sustainable solutions to the climate crisis."
- Praful Bidwai, Delhi-Based journalist and author of An India that can Say Yes: a Climate-Responsible Development Agenda for Copenhagen and Beyond