Screenings and Exhibitions

We enthusiastically encourage autonomous screenings and exhibitions of our work. If you have screened or are planning on screening one of the films or hosting an exhibition, please let us know so we can gratefully add it to the list. If you would like information on how to do it contact us here. Thanks.



8 March
Brussels, Belgium
Screening of "The Story of Cap and Trade"
"The Story of Cap & Trade" is a fast-paced, fact-filled look at the leading climate solutions advocated in Brussels and Washington. Host Annie Leonard introduces the energy traders and financiers at the heart of this scheme and reveals the "devils in the details": free permits to big polluters, fake offsets and distraction from what’s really required to tackle the climate crisis.
When: 19.00 (to 21.00), Monday 8 March
Where: Fair Trade Room, Mundo-B, Rue d'Edimbourg 26, 1050 Brussels (near Porte de Namur metro) 


4 December
Cineforum - Climate Change: The Road to Ecotopia, London, UK  
Screening of The Carbon Connection 
12 November
Info session on what is at stake in Copenhagen and the Climate Justice movements.
Institute of Social Studies - The Hague, Netherlands
    with Joanna Cabello
Screening of The Carbon Connection
1 November
Carbon Connection and Crude - screenings and discussion, Bristol, UK  
C Words film & events season
A programme of film and events to accompany C Words: Carbon, Climate, Capital, Culture - an exhibition by artist-activist group PLATFORM and their collaborators. 
Screening of The Carbon Connection 
Sun 1 Nov, 6.30pm. Arnolfini, Bristol
£6.00 / £4.50 concs
2-4 October
Heinrich Böll Stiftung. Counter Summit IMF/WB, Instanbul, Turkey
Istanbul Bilgi University - Dolapdere Campus.
Screening of The Carbon Connection
21-24 May
BUKO32 congress: Under Construction - Transformations in times of crisis, Lueneburg, Germany
Screening of The Carbon Connection
Screening of The Carbon Connection


18-20 July
Environmental Film Festival, Hobart, USA
Screening of The Carbon Connection
May and June
L'arcu de Vieyu, Oviedo, Spain
Photo Exhibition: Offsets in India: Confronting Carbon Colonialism  
31 May–8 June
15th Annual International Environmental Film Festival,
Catalonia, Spain

    Official Selection International Documentary
    Screening of The Carbon Connection

26-30 May
2nd Film Festival on Ecological Debt,
Ekologistak Martxan, Pais Vasco, Spain
    Screening of The Carbon Connection

8 May
Carbon Trading talk: L'arcu de Vieyu, Oviedo, Spain
    Discussion with Tamra Gilbertson
    Screening of The Carbon Connection
    Photo Exhibition: Offsets in India: Confronting Carbon Colonialism

1-4 May
Hazel Wolf Environmental Film Festival, University of Washington, USA
    Screening of The Carbon Connection

1 May
'Movimientos' Latin American films and culture night,
Salmon and Compass. Islington, UK      
    Workshop and discussion with Kevin Smith
    Screening of The Carbon Connection

17-20 April
United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues,
    Photo Exhibition Launch: REDD: CO2lonialism of Forests

10-12 April
Entrepueblos Jornadas: Climate Change and Impoverishment:
A threat to Development
, "CDM: a view from here" panelist,
Vallodalid, Spain

    Panelist: Tamra Gilbertson
    Screening of The Carbon Connection
    Photo Exhibition: Offsets in India: Confronting Carbon Colonialism 

7 Feb
Climate Change talks, Oregon State University,
Women's Center, Corvalis, Oregon, USA
    Workshop and discussion with Tamra Gilbertson and Kevin Smith
    Photo Exhibition: Offsets in India: Confronting Carbon Colonialism

3 Feb
False Solutions and Climate Change,
Black Rose Collective, Portland, Oregon, USA
    Workshop and discussion with Tamra Gilbertson and Kevin Smith
    Film Screening of The Carbon Connection    
    Photo Exhibition: Offsets in India: Confronting Carbon Colonialism

1 Feb
Community Meeting, Cannery Pier Hotel, Astoria, Oregon, USA
    Panelists: Tamra Gilbertson and Kevin Smith
    Photo Exhibition: Offsets in India: Confronting Carbon Colonialism