The 21st of September is the International Day of Struggle Against Monoculture Tree Plantations. PDF Print E-mail
Carbon Trade Watch | Friday, 19 September 2014
WRM and GRAIN put together a great grouping of videos that call attention to the impacts from large industrial oil palm plantations.
Read more.





Oil Palm in Africa: voices from the communities

World Rainforest Movement, 2013, 7 minutes

Industrial oil palm plantations are rapidly expanding, not only in Liberia.

In many African countries expansion projects are happening and plans are announced.

Everywhere they go, the companies promise jobs and development. Everywhere, those promises are broken.

Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKVNEucB_iQ

Also available in Spanish, Portuguese and French.


The Herakles Debacle

The Oakland Institute, 2012, 21 minutes

The very name of American-owned SGSOC - SG Sustainable Oils Cameroon, Ltd.- makes for a pro-environment, pro-resource image.

This is supported by an impressive- sounding partnership with an NGO by the name of All for Africa and as a package typifies the

kind of convoluted modern-day foreign investment going on in Africa. It is sadly all too familiar to communities on the ground.

They are unimpressed with promises of infrastructure and jobs, and angry about their loss of land and livelihoods.

It is also part of a strategy to deceive the public into believing that there is logic to cutting down rainforeststo make room for palm

oil plantations.


Only available in English.

Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgrFvayJhE0


The Jogbahn Clan

Friends of the Earth International, 2014, 5 minutes

In Liberia, the Jogbahn Clan have been fighting against a palm oil company grabbing their land.

In March 2014 Liberia's President recognized their right to say no to British palm oil company Equatorial Palm Oil PLC.

However, despite the President's commitment, EPO still has not recognised that the Clan said no to their operations.

They are conducting studies on the Clan’s land in preparation for clearing. Only available in English.

Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufMXhc-h9Tg


Palm oil plantations in Uganda

Friends of the Earth International, 2012, 4 minutes

Wilmar International is developing palm oil plantations in biodiverse islands in Lake Victoria, Uganda.

The first phase of the project finished in 2011.

The second phase is currently going ahead, expanding palm oil plantations to several other islands.

The project is being promoted as a poverty-reducing endeavor, yet it is causing displacement, food insecurity and deforestation.

Only available in English.

Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elqurp7lFTI


Environmental crime: in pursuit of palm oil industry

BastaMag, 2013, 15 minutes

Palm oil is massively imported into Europe, to be used for food and biofuels.

A new refinery might be established in Port la Nouvelle (Aude - South of France),

supported by local authorities (or local governments) like the Languedoc Roussillon region.

In West Africa, where palm oil is produced, land grabbing by multinationals and the expropriation of people are skyrocketing.

Watch here: http://vimeo.com/40934862

Also available in French.

Stop land grabbing! Life, land, and justice in Uganda

Friends of the Earth International, 2012, 5 minutes

In Kalangala, Uganda, John Muyisa woke up one day to find bulldozers clearing his land to plant oil palms.

John and his community have preserved their forests and lands for generations. Now their way of life is at risk. Only available in English.

Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17QxF61PVC4


Palmed Off

LifeMosaic, 2007, 20 minutes

Palmed Off is based on testimonies from indigenous peoples affected by oil palm plantations in Indonesia and explores

the impacts of oil palm plantations on their local economies, on the local environment,

on their culture and on the prospects for the future generations. Only available in English.

Watch here:http://vimeo.com/10234538


A Paradise Lost

Friends of the Earth International, 2013, 4 minutes

A look at the devastation wrought by illegal land grabbing for palm oil plantations in Indonesia. Only available in English.

Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnTlASZfk6A


Manufacturing Consent

The Environmental Investigation Agency, 2013, 10 minutes

Evidence and testimony from Muara Tae, in East Kalimantan, Indonesia,

of the abuses of oil palm company First Resources Ltd thought its subsidiary PT Borneo Surya Mining Jaya (PT Borneo).

Only available in English.

Watch here: http://vimeo.com/75423415



Pesticide Action Network Asia Pacific, 2013, 13 minutes

It was their native customary land until palm oil companies came and claimed it their own. With the help of corrupt politicians,

almost 9,000 hectares of forest and agricultural lands were flattened.

Fences were put up, barring indigenous peoples from entering their own ancestral land.

This is the story of Melikin. The story of many indigenous peoples in Sarawak, Malaysia. Only available in English.

Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6_RXfVa43I


Oil Palm Aggression on Palawan UNESCO Man and Biosphere Reserve 

ALDAW Network, 2011, 17 minutes

Agrofuels in Palawan, as elsewhere in the Philippines, have been portrayed as a key solution to lower greenhouse gas emission,

achieve energy independence, as well as a tool for poverty eradication.

With these objects in mind, the Provincial Government of Palawan is strongly promoting agrofuels development,

without taking into account the socio-ecological impact of such mono-crop plantations. As a result,

thousands of hectares of lands in the province have been set aside for jatropha feedstock and oil palm.

Only available in English.

Watch here: http://vimeo.com/16570512


Lower Aguán - Cry for the Land

Alba Sud and Rel-UITA, 30 minutes

The documentary is aimed at exposing to the international public the state

of constant threat faced by peasant farmers in the Bajo Aguán region of Honduras.

Watch here: http://vimeo.com/79152935

Also available in French , Portuguese and Spanish


Ironic Survival

EngageMedia, 2012, 6 minutes

Video about the struggle of the Malind people against the MIFEE project in West Papua, Indonesia.

Alex Mahuze is a Malind tribesman and a sago farmer in Merauke. His clan has for generations lived in harmony with nature.

The arrival of the Merauke Integrated Food and Energy Estate (MIFEE) program has forced him to earn money through other means,

which ironically harms the environment. He lost his lands and his culture is threatened, but Alex fights on. Only available in English.

Watch here: http://www.engagemedia.org/Members/papuanvoicesmerauke/videos/ironic_survival/view


On Our Land

The Oakland Institute in partnership with the Pacific Network on Globalisation (PANG) and Bismark Ramu Group,

2013, 36 minutes


On Our Land chronicles the experiences of rural communities in Papua New Guinea--giving a voice to those who are

losing their land and natural resources to illegal logging operations.

The film exposes the failure of current development strategies and highlights community

and local NGO struggles to take back what is rightfully theirs.

Only available in English.

Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWoZmq1lYdw


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