

Where the Trees are a Desert explores the links between pollution trading and monoculture eucalyptus plantations in Brazil. The publication is a collaboration between Carbon Trade Watch and our partners in Brazil, FASE-ES. Where the Trees are a Desert explores the issues from the perspective of people living and struggling with plantations on the ground. Nov 2003

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The Sky is Not the Limit gives an overview of the issues around pollution trading and introduces the main issues such as; environmental justice, NGO co-optation and privatisation of the atmosphere. Also explored is the history of the UN process and who the key players are in the emerging emissions markets. Jan 2003


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Nothing Neutral Here: Large-scale biomass subsidies in the UK and the role of the EU ETS PDF Print E-mail
Carbon Trade Watch | Sunday, 13 May 2012
NothingNeutralHere.gifEarlier this month Brazilian pulp and paper giant Suzano Papel e Celulose gained approval for the world’s most advanced trial of genetically modified (GM) trees to meet the global demands of biomass energy expansion. The new report from Carbon Trade Watch, “Nothing Neutral Here: Large-scale biomass subsidies in the UK and the role of the EU ETS”, raises critical concerns over the UK’s unprecedented plans to increase biomass consumption as part of efforts to promote a ‘green economy’. The report links the demand for biomass in the UK, the role of the EU’s Emissions Trading System and the destructive expansion of industrial monoculture tree plantations around the world.

download report [PDF 800KB] 

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