Women on the march


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REDD: la codicia por los árboles
Tuesday, 28 February 2012
El Caso Chiapas: la Selva Lacandona al mejor postor Producido por Otros Mundos AC/Amigos de la Tierra México Con el apoyo de Amigos de la Tierra Internacional, Fundación Siemenp...
New Video Reveals Global Resistance to Forest-Carbon Projects and Documents Critical Perspectives on REDD A Darker Shade of Green: REDD Alert and the Future of Forests (Instructio...
This critical review of carbon trading in Africa includes analyses of the context and trends in the carbon market in Africa; offset projects in Uganda, Ethiopia and South Africa; and carbon finance ...
"Para los pueblos indígenas que libre y valientemente han decidido caminar su destino en camino distinto al del régimen político y sistema económico que todo vuelve ...
Medical Services in Amador Hernández, Chiapas Withdrawn in Advance of REDD+    "For the indigenous peoples, who have freely and bravely decided to walk our own dest...
El cambio climático, uno de los problemas más graves que enfrenta la humanidad, tendrá consecuencias desastrosas para todos, y en especial para las mujeres. Lo trágico es...
International Women's Day actions
Saturday, 05 March 2011
Climate change, one of most serious problems facing the world today, will have disastrous consequences for everyone, and especially for women. What is most tragic is that women will also suffer espe...
REDD+, en su actual diseño, contribuirá a una apropiación global de tierras de las comunidades y Pueblos Indígenas que afectará particularmente a las mujeres, co...
REDD+ as currently designed will contribute to a global land grab of communities' and Indigenous Peoples' lands and territories,which will particularly affect women, states a position signed by wo...
Within the year between the UN Copenhagen climate negotiations in 2009 and the Cancún negotiations in 2010, the framework of the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) m...
It is one of the first laws of diplomacy: when it is hard to agree on an answer, change the question. Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) schemes are the product of two of t...
No REDD, A Reader
Monday, 06 December 2010
New publication exposes links between REDD and carbon trading, International Financial Institutions, extractive industries, GMO trees and biotech      No REDD, A Reader a...
The Early Years Since the earliest experiences of offsetting forest have been used as tradable carbon credits.1 The initial practice of forest offsetting in Costa Rica and Papua New Guinea in the...
The dominant voices within the UN climate negotiations, together with corporate lobbies, mainstream NGOs and multilateral financial institutions, are pushing for another false solution to climate ch...
The REDD+ Partnership intends to facilitate controversial forest payment schemes in advance of any UN climate agreement on an international framework to tackling deforestation. Forget about th...
in the media
creativecommons 2025  Carbon Trade Watch