Copenhagen Cronology of Actions PDF Print E-mail
| Wednesday, 23 December 2009
COP-gear_only.png9 December

Police Search Ragnhildsgade Sleeping Space
http://indymedia.dk/ articles/1432

“The police seized many items including work tools, meeting notes and work notes, documents and permits, paint, and items for self defense including shields”

“The search follows a raid on another sleeping place, Teglholmen, on 4th December when police detained and handcuffed 15-20 people. The raid was criticized as being an attempt to intimidate and harass climate activists.”

Press release from CJA:
Climate Caravan arrives!
11 December

CJA and ‘Our Climate is not your Business’ called for an anti-corporate day of action: Don’t buy the Lie!

Protestors gathered at 10am, initially around 200 activists growing to around 800 at 11am and moved in mass to the Copenhagen 'Forum' venue, which is hosting the cynical green-washing Green Business expo during Cop15 (http://www.brightgreen.dk/). The message to the corporations was to stop turning the saving of our environment into yet another business opportunity in which carbon credit trading, tar sands and CCS are the order of the day.

People were blocked several times by police but also managed to push through and around. Several attempts by police to block their path. In total there is reported to be over 60 arrests. Police targeted the Street Medics (http://cop15firstaid.ucrony.net/), arresting 11 of them before the demonstration, and threatening that they would be deported if they were found on the streets again.

12 December

Saturday 12th began with the Flood for Climate Justice Demonstration feeding into the main 12dec ‘Global Day of Action’ Demo.
CJA and CJN! called out to join the common bloc called ‘System change not climate change’ (http://www.climate-justice-action.org/news/2009/12/04/dec-12th-system-change-not-climate-change/)

There were around 10,000 activists on the streets from a wide variety of places, organizations and groups. The networks’ bloc was positioned at the end of the mass demo.

“At around 3.15pm the police charged into the march near to where the ‘System Change not Climate Change’ group had joined the march, as well as people from the NTAC called demonstration who had been sent there earlier by the police from their gathering place in central Copenhagen. The police cut off about a thousand people (…) By 5pm several hundred had been handcuffed and made to sit on the floor, where they remained in the cold for hours. The police's press office reported that those arrested are between 700-900 people, later revised to close to one thousand.

Following the enormous mass arrests of climate protestors, accounts are emerging of the poor conditions within the specially set up detention facilities, with people handcuffed for up to eight hours following their lengthy detention upon the streets. Despite this obvious repression, climate campaigners remain determined to push the message that we need System Change not climate change”

968 arrests
Solidarity action at the Valby detention Center

13 December

Hit the Production action and La Via Campesina Farmers Action

“The main actions around the COP15 for the 13th December are Hit the Production at the Harbour, and a Farmers action called by Via Campesina. The farmers actions started at 12:30 with an attendance of about 300 people, doing street theater about Farmers and big business. At 12:40 hundreds of people marched towards the harbour, with banners reading “Our planet not your business”, and giving interviews about the mass arrests yesterday. Riot police walk alongside them and less than an hour later the police blocked the demonstration by surrounding it, taking the music truck away. Mass arrests start, and at about 14:45

At the same time the Via Campesina has progressed more peacefully, but demonstrators found that police lines have their blocked access to the Klimaforum. It arrived in its final destination, near the Råhuset infopoint, despite the police attempts to disrupt it”

250 arrests
Solidarity actions at the Valby detention Center

Other groups press conference to launch an official complaint on the treatment of prisoners:  HYPERLINK http://indymedia.dk/articles/1607

Some impressions from the released prisoners:

14 December

People protested at the Canadian Embassy in Kristen Bernikows Gade about the Canadian Tar Sands

International activists staged a protest against the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) who were having their annual general meeting in central Copenhagen

CJA and No borders called out for a Climate No Borders Action
Action Press relase:   http://www.climate-justice-action.org/news/2009/12/12/climate-no-borders-press-release/

The demo started at 11am, where around 1,500 protestors formed a solid block enclosed by people with arms linked in front of the Danish Ministry of Defense. Speeches were given around the fact that "Climate Change is an issue in terms of migration because the Global South is suffering and the borders are trying to repress them"
The main body of the demo then moved towards Chrstiania followed by a large number of riot police who eventually left the demo alone.

During the night, there was a Reclaim Power! party at Christiania with the presence of Naomi Klein and Michael Hardt:
“Later in the evening, in unclear circumstances, the police arrived and barricades were built just outside the entrance of Christiania. After a small number of people threw bottles at police, tear gas was fired and the police began entering Christiania. Inside Christiania another barricade was set up and police made numerous arrests as well as smashing the windows of the trauma support office”

“It seems it is effectively illegal to publicly voice opposition to emissions trading, carbon markets, and other "solutions" to the problem of climate change in Copenhagen.  Over 1500 people have now been detained, arrested, beaten, tear-gassed, pepper-sprayed, and purposefully held in sub-zero temperatures for voicing their opposition”

196 arrests

15 December

CJA and CJN! hold a press conference “to denounce the political policing seen on the streets of Copenhagen over the past few days where over a thousand people have been locked into the “climate prison”. “See you In Copenhagen”, a group which was present at the Christiania debate and party last night believe that the tear gassing and arrests of hundreds of people who were attending a political debate and party is a clear example of the attacks on people mobilizing for a real solution to climate change”

After the press conference, the CJA’s spokesperson, Tadzio Muller, was arrested by three undercover police.
(recent news on indymedia.dk: Newspaper politiken reported at 11:50 that cja spokesperson Tadzio Muellers trial has been closed to the public due to sensitive survailance material that might harm the investigation. Tadzio had been arrested yesterday after a press conference.)

Petition! Stop Danish Police Abuses Against Peaceful Climate Protesters
http://criminaljustice.change.org/actions/view/ stop_danish_police_abuses_against_peaceful_climate_protestors

Resistance is Ripe! Agriculture Action Day
“The demo marched through the centre of town under a banner reading "Food Climate Justice, not Climate Change". Hundreds of people stopped outside the Netto supermarket for speeches about the importance of food sovereignty and the links between climate change, agriculture and exploitation of people”.

Protestors Invade Climate Group Business Meeting
The activists entered the invite-only meeting at the DGI Byen complex at 11.00am, with a banner saying "Climate Group: Leading us into Climate Chaos". The activists disrupted the meeting with loud chants of "Climate Justice not Climate Profits" before being seized by security guards and police and dragged out of the building.

Police Raid the Bike Bloc and prevent them to participate in the 16th action:
At around 4.45pm, police suddenly arrived unannounced at the Candy Factory (Boljsefabrikken) in the city's northwest district. In this space, activists from the 'Bike block' have been building bicycles for tomorrow's 'Reclaim Power' action. Police then blocked off the building with red and white tape and set up spotlights onto the building. By 19.45 reports came in of police trucks taking away two bicycles as well as some computers. Some people were arrested (unknown)
16 December
Action: Reclaim Power!

Today's Reclaim Power action held a people's assembly outside the COP15 Bella Centre calling for Climate Justice. Police tried to disrupt marches from outside, with baton charges, pepper spray and preventive arrests.
Despite the supposedly UN democracy and inclusion of the global south, the police threatened delegates with arrest, and assaulted with batons when tried to march out to the joint assembly.

Early in the morning, multiple marches tried to make their way to the Bella Centre where the COP15 is held. The group meeting at Orestad station (Green) was surrounded by police and some were arrested, but others managed to move towards COP15. A second block (Blue), of more than 1000 people, made their way to the Bella Center whilst resisiting attempts from the police to break it.

Corporate media report 200 to 250 arrests. Following yesterday's arrest of Tadzio Muller after the Climate Justice Action press conference,  more spokespeople were violently snatched out of the crowd today. At 18:00 a CJA press conference will address the arrests of 4 media spokespeople that aim to limit their freedom of speech.

Meanwhile at the COP15 Friends of the Earth, Avaaz and Via Campesina were refused entry despite acquiring a second accreditation. Delegates staged a sit-in protest, whilst 200 others from NGOs, indigenous people and the Global South marched out but police prevented them from reaching the People's Assembly. An hour later a protest broke into the COP15 plenary with the slogan "Climate Justice Now!", and the Indian delegation burned its badges.

The People's Assembly took place at midday outside the Bella Centre without those from inside the Bella Centre - they were prevented from getting out. After speeches the assembly decided to move towards the centre of town, while the police have been snatching people, and blocking progress intermittently.

Some quotes:

At noon, the time where the People’s Assembly was planned to happen, the speaker from the CJA wagon has called out: "We’re staying here. The delegates are close by. Don’t be scared by the police. Reclaim Power!”

Minuets after a CJA spokesperson tells Modkraft: "Police have completely overreacted. They trap and use violence against peaceful demonstrators. We have activists that have been bitten by dogs, violently beaten with batons, and the police are spraying pepper spray directly into the eyes of peaceful demonstrators." says spokesperson Kamilie Kofoed from the network.
She continues: "We have had a really good demonstration with good humour and a fantastic atmosphere from the global civil society that we have gathered. We have attempted dialogue. We have played with open cards and guaranteed a peaceful protest and demonstration. Despite this we have been treated just like demonstrators on the streets of Tehran. We are in shock."

At the people’s meeting outside Bella Center (1pm) there is being held talks by people from Mexico and Ecuador in Spanish.

"After 150 years extraction of oil, the rest should stay in the earth because the only oil that doesn’t contribute to global warming is that which stays in the earth." says a woman from Ecuador.

People shout: "Leave the oil in the soil!"

"Energy should not be in the hands of businesses and we demand that the atmosphere should not be privatized" says a speaker from Mexico.

CJA: "The people’s meeting has now started with discussing solutions that are both socially just and can actually solve the climate crisis. The agreement that is being created at COP15 deals first and foremost with securing the rich countries’ interests. Trade with C02 quotas will not solve anything."

A speaker from the Climate Justice Action says that day has been a success.

“We have shown that it is possible to create a space with an alternative agenda that sounds”

Another eyewitness Magnus Leitt was in the crowd as police used pepper spray. "It went right into my eyes, I couldn't do anything to get out of the way. It burns like fire. But the worst thing is that you start to hyperventilate, you can't get your breath and then it's hard not to panic."

The FoE executive director, Andy Atkins said:
“It is a crisis of democracy when campaigning charities like Friends of the Earth are prevented from speaking up on behalf of communities around the globe within the talks themselves.
We were stunned to discover that every Friends of the Earth delegate has been banned from attending these crucial talks - if this is a consequence of our role as one of the most prominent groups calling for a strong and fair agreement, this is even more disturbing.
This draconian measure is completely unjustified - the Copenhagen conference is fast becoming an international shambles”

Crowd now appealing to police vanity, reports Bibi: Latest - very popular - chant is: "You're sexy, you're cute, take off your riot suit."

“Following yesterday's arrest of Tadzio Müller following his presence at the Climate Justice Action press conference at the Bella Centre, there are now reports of at least one CJA spokesperson and other unidentified persons being targeted specifically and snatched out of the crowd during today's Reclaim Power! protests.”

“Newspaper politiken reported at 11:50 that CJA spokesperson Tadzio Mueller's trial has been closed to the public due to sensitive surveillance material that might harm the investigation. Tadzio had been arrested yesterday after a press conference”

http://translate.google.com.pe/translate?hl=es&sl=da&tl=en&u= http%3A%2F%2Fmodkraft.dk%2Fspip.php%3Farticle12251
Both the Climate Justice Actions spokespersons Britain Tannie Nyboe and Stine Gry were arrested earlier today in the "Reclaim Power 'Project.

Moreover, writes Ritzau that the German activist and spokesperson for the same network, Tadzio Müller, have extended his detention for 3 times 24 hours.

“He was arrested Tuesday by civilian dressed police after a news conference at the Bella Center.
In court earlier today, it emerged that police bugged his phone and they presented both transcripts of telephone calls and text messages in court to prove that he has helped to plan the day's action.
The December actions at the Bella Center in Copenhagen, where activists would penetrate police barriers and into the fenced off area around the Bella Center and the Bella Center, to which would place a serious
disturbance of public peace and order, violence or threat against the present police preparedness and extensive vandalism in the form of destruction of fences, breaking windows and the like. "
Tadzio Müller is charged with five counts - including Section 119 (violence against the official in function)”   
Release Climate Prisoners!

Show your solidarity for those unjustly held by the police and excluded from the process.

Climate Justice Action (CJA) December 17, 2009:

The movement for climate justice has been met with massive police repression during the COP15, on both December the 12th and the 16th: attacks on legal demonstrations, preventive mass arrests, illegal raids on private homes and accommodation spaces, an extensive use of pepper spray, and imprisonment of political activists. This is not only a criminalisation of Climate Justice Action but also an attempt to criminalise all legitimate and popular movements, not only in Denmark but in the whole world.

The arrests of CJA spokespersons during the last couple of days are an attempt to conceal the fact that the COP-process are leading to nowhere, that the global South are still being ignored, and that the COP15 won’t lead to any viable solutions to the climate catastrophe. The politicians can remove CJA spokespersons, but CJA won’t stop speaking.

While the COP process ignores the global South, movements that make common cause with their fight for climate justice are being criminalised.

CJA intend to act on climate policies, but the politicians force us to fight for universal rights of freedom like the freedom of speech and the freedom of assembly.

Sign this petition and please disseminate (it only takes one minute!)...

We ALL shouted and pushed for climate justice! and we won't stop shouting!

Release climate prisoners petition:

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Take solidarity actions!! 




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