Documental: "Toxic Amazon: The Murder of Zé Claudio e Maria"

Sunday, 02 June 2013 |
article thumbnail Proyección y debate del Documental: "Toxic Amazon: The Murder of Zé Claudio e Maria" (English) Dirección del evento: Centre Cívic Convent de Sant Agustí, Sala Noble, Carrer Comerç, 36, CP. 08003 Barcelona (Barcelona) Fecha: Miércoles 5 de junio a las 19.30 horas. Tipo de entrada: Libre y gratuita Página web con más información: http://icta.uab.cat/divulgacion/actividades.jsp?id=1413&id_idioma=0 Listado de ponentes: - Felipe Milanez, co-director...
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Protest Coal Biomass Conversions!

Monday, 22 April 2013 | Biofuelwatch
article thumbnail 24 April, 2013 London, UK In July 2012, Drax confirmed that it plans to convert half of its capacity to burning biomass – this will make Drax by far the biggest biomass-burning power station in the world. If this goes ahead, Drax will be burning pellets made from up to 15.8 million tonnes of biomass – nearly all of it wood – every year. Since the UK’s total wood production is only 10 million tonnes a year, virtually all of the wood Drax needs will have to be...
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Please sign-on a statement of solidarity to Open Letter from Acre/Brazil on REDD

Thursday, 18 April 2013 | World Rainforest Movement
article thumbnail The state of California is in the final stages of deciding whether or not to accept offset credits from REDD offset projects in Acre into the California cap-and-trade system. A working group set up to make recommendations on the issue to the CA government supported such an inclusion (the composition of the WG participants was far from balanced or without bias). Conservation organisations in the US and in Brazil as well as Acre state government officials are lobbying heavily for such an inclusion of REDD offset credits from Acre into the CA carbon trading scheme. They argue strongly...
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Celebrar la Lluita per la Soberania Alimentària

Tuesday, 16 April 2013 | Los Horteres de la Ribera
article thumbnail esto Viernes a las 19:30h! Vine!!!!    
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Cineforum Agroecologic

Friday, 15 March 2013 | Les Horteres de la Ribera
article thumbnail S’acosta la primaverai amb ella, una activitat que teníem moltes ganes de fer (i la primera del grup de treball de relacions!) Des del 15 de març i fins el 19 d’abril, (excepte el 29 de març, setmana santa) us convidem a passar les tardes de divendres compartint una sèrie de documentals que, si no s’han vist, s’han de veure (i si ja s’han vist, cal tornar-los a veure col·lectivament). Volem convidar a coopes, horts urbans, productores, col·lectius i veïnes en general a aprofitar aquestes...
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Week of action against Tar Sands profiteers

Monday, 11 March 2013 | tarsandsblockade.org
article thumbnail www.TarSandsBlockade.org/WeekofAction March 16 to 23, 2013 TransCanada, a multinational corporation, is building the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline through Oklahoma and Texas in the US to the Gulf. But this is no ordinary pipeline. It would pump toxic tar sands which is extremely dirty and dangerous from extraction to combustion. If burned, tar sands spells “game over” for a livable climate and would harm community drinking water and farmers’ livelihoods across the region. From day one TransCanada has lied and trampled on the rights of honest landowners...
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Support the protestors of the Caixa bank

Friday, 22 February 2013 | Ecologistas en Acción
article thumbnail [Signature collection] Organizations request the dismissal of proceedings for reporting activities of CaixaBank http://www.ecologistasenaccion.org/article25118.html Statement For the dismissal of proceedings against 8 activists of Ecologistas en Acción for condemning the activities of CaixaBank. In December, 2011, Ecologistas en Acción, as a part of their Federal Congress, displayed three placards in the central office of CaixaBank in Barcelona, with the following...
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Stop threats to Nigerian environmentalist Odey Oyama

Monday, 18 February 2013 | Friends of the Earth International
article thumbnail Odey Oyama, director of the Nigerian Rainforest Resource Development Centre (RRDC) is facing threats to his life due to his advocacy on behalf of communities and against Wilmar International, one of the world’s largest palm oil corporations. Wilmar has recently established a 50,000 hectare palm oil plantation in Cross-River State, Nigeria; Odey and RRDC say that the lands claimed by Wilmar belong to local farmers and lie within the boundaries of protected forests. The company has begun planting palm oil seedlings without conducting a proper Environmental Impact Assessment, and...
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San Dionisio del Mar: Indigenous communities under police siege for resisting imposition of windpark

Monday, 04 February 2013 | El Enemigo Común
article thumbnail Indigenous peoples on the Isthmus of Tehuantepec are resisting a new police offensive to impose the construction of a mega wind park by the Spanish transnational Mareña Renovables in the Barra de Santa Teresa of San Dionisio del Mar. This wind park, the largest in Latin America, would completely do away with the habitat, natural resources and food supplies of the fishing and farming families of the Barra and would also destroy their sacred sites. Moreover, the project is a direct violation of their human rights as an indigenous people.   As a form of protest, members...
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REDDelion-CHIAPAS To Host a People’s Forum Against REDD+ in Chiapas

Monday, 24 September 2012 | REDDeldia
article thumbnail From September 25-28, 2012, sub national governments from six countries will arrive in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, México, to advance policies of REDD+, a shadow program with which they hope to privatize tropical forests under the pretext of the climate crisis. REDDeldia calls on the public to attend a series of conferences, videos, and discussions on September 25th, 26th and 27th from 17:30 to 20:30, at Café Museo, María Adelina Flores No. 10. Representatives from impacted communities in the region of...
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Open Letter to National Governments

Monday, 24 September 2012 | World Rainforest Movement
article thumbnail As part of the September 21st International Day of Struggle Against Monoculture Tree Plantations, and on the eve of the Eleventh Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, which will be held in India on October 1-19, we are launching this open letter demanding that our governments stop the expansion of tree plantations in our territories and take a firm stance at the Convention against the growing financialization of nature. http://www.wrm.org.uy/plantations/21_set/2012/Open_letter.html
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Genocidio iniciado contra el pueblo de Cajamarca por parte del Gobierno peruano

Wednesday, 11 July 2012 | Varias organizaciones
article thumbnail Ante la imposición por la vía de la fuerza, que hasta el momento ha cobra do la vida de tres hermanos de Cajamarca, perpetrado por el Gobierno de Ollanta Humala, para imponer el mega proyecto Conga rechazado por el pueblo de Cajamarca, la declaración en "estado de emergencia” y el violento secuestro del ex sacerdote Marco Arana, la persecución de los principales líderes. Las organizaciones indígenas, sociedad civil y colectivos sociales del Perú piden auxilio nacional e internacional de manera URGENTE!!...
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Vía Campesina en Rio: Los pueblos del mundo frente a los avances del capitalismo

Tuesday, 19 June 2012 | La Vía Campesina
article thumbnail Los pueblos del mundo frente a los avances del capitalismo: Rio +20 y más allá Los gobiernos de todo el mundo se reunirán en Río de Janeiro, Brasil del 20 al 22 de junio de 2012, para supuestamente conmemorar 20 años de la "Cumbre de la Tierra", la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Medio Ambiente y el Desarrollo, que estableció por primera vez una agenda global para el "desarrollo sostenible". Durante esa cumbre, en 1992, se adoptaron tres convenios internacionales: el Convenio sobre la Diversidad...
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Peoples of the World against the Commodification of Nature

Sunday, 13 May 2012 | La Via Campesina
article thumbnail La Via Campesina calls on all the peasant organizations of the world and their allies to organize actions in the month of June We invite all the farmers and peasant organizations and their allies to organize mobilizations and actions throughout the world during the entire month of June, with particular emphasis on June 5, World Environment Day, showing our unity and strength against the false solutions and the appropriation of territories of the peasants and traditional peoples at the Rio+20 Conference:  marches in the cities and in the countryside, press...
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Stop land Grabbing! 17 April - International Day of Peasant Struggles

Monday, 16 April 2012 | La Via Campesina
article thumbnail We invite people and civil society organisations everywhere to support - by all human, media, legal, financial or popular means possible - all those who fight against land grabs and to put pressure on national governments and international institutions to fulfil their obligations towards the rights of people. We all have a duty to resist and to support the people who are fighting for their dignity! http://viacampesina.org/slide/17april/index.html
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Argos and their land theft strategy in Montes de María: another reason to mobilize on March 6

Tuesday, 06 March 2012 | MOVICE
article thumbnail These actions began late last year, when Cepeda delivered a letter to UN Secretary General Ban-Ki Moon, explaining the company's responsibility for land theft in the Montes de María region. The illegitimacy of Argos' purchase of 12,500 hectares of land in Montes de María, bought at absurdly low prices, is exacerbated by the fact that the region was severely battered by paramilitary atrocities in the 1990s. Furthermore, Argos is part of the Clean Development Mechanism, which allows it to participate in the international carbon trading market. In order to participate...
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Rio+20: La Vía Campesina Rejects REDD

Tuesday, 28 February 2012 | Vía Campesina
article thumbnail Reclaiming our future: Rio +20 and Beyond On 20-22 June 2012, governments from around the world will gather in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to commemorate 20 years of the "Earth Summit", the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) that first established a global agenda for "sustainable development". During the 1992 summit, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CDB), the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) and the Convention to Combat Desertification, were all adopted. The Commission on Sustainable...
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Call for building and mobilizing for Peoples Assembly at Rio+20

Tuesday, 28 February 2012 | WRM
article thumbnail We call organizations, Networks and movements in the struggle for Environmental Justice, against the greening of capitalism and mercantilization of life and in defence of common goods, to join this call and the process of building and mobilizing for the Peoples Assembly at Peoples Summit Turing Rio+20, between 15 and 23  June 2012 in Rio de Janeiro.   An assembly of peoples affected, oppressed and aware of the structural causes of systemic crisis and related social and environmental injustices; of peoples affected, indignant, critical and resistant to the new forms of...
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Danish National Court rules mass arrest to be illegal!

Friday, 27 January 2012 | Climate Collective - Copenhagen
article thumbnail The Danish police broke the law when they detained thousands of climate protesters on December the 12th and four other dates during the COP15 in Copenhagen. The National Court of Denmark confirms the ruling of the City Court of Copenhagen and declares all five mass-arrests during the COP15 illegal . In addition the court ruled that article of the European human rights convention was violated on December the 12th as the police degraded and mistreatted the arestees. Thus compensation of up to 9000 Danish Kroner should still be awarded to the ones who filed complaints in due time. All in...
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Stop the activity of mining & slaughtering in Bima, solidarity for civilians

Friday, 06 January 2012 | WALHI/ Friends of The Earth Indonesia
article thumbnail On December 24, 2011, the Indonesian National Police and Military opened fire on civilians, members of Anti-Mining People’s Front (FRAT) during a peaceful protest at the Sape Harbor which started four days ago. Those civilians rejected the presence of a gold mine, PT. Sumber Mineral Nusantara (SMN). 3 people died and 9 people were critically injured. This marked as the peak of conflict between the government and business corporations against citizens throughout the year of 2011.
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@COP17 in Durban: NO REDD+ TEACH-IN

Thursday, 01 December 2011 | IEN and CTW
article thumbnail Friday, 2 December 14:00 to 17:00 at the Chemistry Building: CC1 (room size 309) University of KwaZulu-Natal - King George V Avenue, Glenwood, Durban "Africa says NO to a new form of colonialism!" The purpose of this Teach-In is to share the truth about Reducing Emissions Deforestation and Forest Degradation with grassroots and community-based groups and facilitators. Will be organized using participatory workshops using popular eduction dynamics, multimedia and games.
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International Day Against Monoculture Tree Plantations

Monday, 12 September 2011 | WRM and CEPEDES
article thumbnail   Dear friends,   We would like to invite you to support the following action, which is being launched as part of the activities for the International Day Against Monoculture Tree Plantations.   This action is being coordinated by our friends at CEPEDES in Brazil, who have been working for years to support and coordinate resistance to the expansion of monoculture eucalyptus plantations and the pulp mill owned by Veracel Celulose.   This transnational company (a joint venture of Brazil’s Fibria and Swedish-Finnish pulp and paper giant Stora...
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Broad Coalition Asks California Governor Brown To Reconsider Cap-and-Trade

Thursday, 28 July 2011 |
article thumbnail SAN FRANCISCO - July 28 – A broad coalition of over 40 nonprofit groups concerned about the effectiveness of California’s climate change plans is pressing California Governor Jerry Brown to reconsider the proposed cap-and-trade program.  The coalition, which includes groups from around the nation and the world, with the largest number based in California, is urging Brown to reduce greenhouse gas pollution where it makes the most sense for public health instead of where it is cheapest for heavy industrial polluters.   Margaret Jordan, of the Richmond Progressive...
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Peasant farmers and Indigenous Peoples call against biofuel project in Philippines

Sunday, 03 July 2011 | PCFS, APC, KMP and IBON Int'l
article thumbnail Peasant farmers and Indigenous Peoples are calling for international attention to the urgent situation of land grabbing, militarization and the pending destruction of local small farm lands to make way for the establishment of 11, 000 hectares of monocrop sugar cane plantations and processing facilities for a biofuel project in the municipality of San Mariano in Isabela, Philippines. Take action now to support their efforts! Sign the online petition that will be sent directly to government authorities and chief executive officers of the companies involved in the biofuel...
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Letter to the Brazilian Government against market mechanisms and REDD+

Friday, 17 June 2011 | FASE
article thumbnail Brasilia and Bonn, June 09th 2011 Ambassador Luiz Alberto Figueiredo Machado Itamaraty Minister André Corrêa do Lago Dear Sirs, We, organizations and social movements that fight for climate justice and are members of the Belem Letter group, we have followed the national policies on climate change and the negotiations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Kyoto Protocol.              We were very worried about the outcome of the decisions of Cancun that...
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ACT NOW! Prevent carnage of peaceful resistance to scandalous POSCO project

Friday, 17 June 2011 | Environment Support Group
article thumbnail To help prevent this violence please sign a petition to the Prime Minister of India and Chief Minister of Odisha urging them to back down their support for the controversial POSCO project and withdraw the police forces and the state of terror that has been unleased.  Please access the petition here:  http://www.petitiononline.com/posco/petition.html An earnest is made to all public spirited people, especially intellectuals, writers, social activists within and outside Odisha, to immediately rush and join the human barricade at Govindpur and Dhinkia...
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