Peoples of the World against the Commodification of Nature PDF Print E-mail
La Via Campesina | Sunday, 13 May 2012
spacer.gif La Via Campesina calls on all the peasant organizations of the world and their allies to organize actions in the month of June

We invite all the farmers and peasant organizations and their allies to organize mobilizations and actions throughout the world during the entire month of June, with particular emphasis on June 5, World Environment Day, showing our unity and strength against the false solutions and the appropriation of territories of the peasants and traditional peoples at the Rio+20 Conference:  marches in the cities and in the countryside, press conferences, actions for land and agrarian reform, media campaigns, radio programs, mobilizations against companies that degrade the environment, discussions in schools and universities, film showings and other actions that can be built collectively in each country.
Read the call here: http://viacampesina.org/
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